Multitasking Crashes Your Brain

Posted On Nov 30 2011 by

Research confirms what you already know. Multitasking doesn’t work to save time and it makes you feel even more frantic. 

It doesn’t make you more efficient. 

You don’t get more done.

And, just between us two, it stresses you out. Multitasking blocks your way to living a life you love, don’t you think? 


Here’s the Research  

The brain needs to attend to one task at a time.

Surprisingly, when measuring neural activity with people doing two tasks at once, the neural activity decreased instead of what you might think. You might think your brain would be processing twice as much. Instead your brain bogs down – it crashes.

Some studies indicate it takes up to 50% longer to do two tasks at once vs. doing the same tasks one at a time.

It turns out that the brain isn’t really processing multiple tasks at once but rapidly shifting back and forth between them. It’s inefficient and inelegant. 

Think of someone doing Taiji – they’re doing one thing and one thing only. It’s peaceful and elegant. It is so peaceful that just watching it makes you feel better. Doing Taiji is even better.

Quiz: Is the person doing Taiji in the present moment? 


Being Present  

Being in the moment is where you’ll find heaven. For millennia, spiritual teachers have advocated any practice that helps you to be in the moment, right. 

I clearly value being present. To that end, I have books, programs, and manuals for you at Body & Soul Mentor that teach ways for you to do this. Obviously, being present is good for you. Learning how to be present and designing your life so you have more presence is at the heart of living a life you love wholeheartedly. Don’t you agree?

Being present is at the heart to living in flow. 

Obviously, multitasking kills presence. And kills your life. 


Rx: Learn to Be Present 

When you find yourself doing too many things at once, stop. Just stop.

Take a deep breath. 

Take another. This time feel your breath. Feel your belly rise and fall.

While still noticing your breath, slip into owl eyes. Or just look around you. 

See what’s there in front of you in this moment. Look without judging or commenting to yourself. Just look. Take it in.

Now, notice the sounds all around you. They too are in this moment. And now that you’re noticing, so are you.


Now, pick one thing to do and do it as if you had all the time in the world. Do it as if it mattered. Do it as if you were performing it for someone you love. 


There is no-where to go. 

And no-thing to do.  


When you stop multitasking, you become more efficient and more peaceful. You become happier. This peace and happiness ripples through the entire world and helps everyone else. 

You know this to be true because certainly you have been on the receiving end of this phenomenon.

Go forth; spread peace and grace.



These Life Giving Manuals and Programs talk about Owl Eyes and Owl Ears and will show you how to benefit from the practices.

The Get Wealthy First Program 

Simply Serene 

You can find them here.

Any book by Thich Nhat Hanh will serve you well with his lovely insights on mindfulness.

Just look at his face.

Walk in beauty, (Tip: this is another presencing practice.)


P.S. Aerobic exercise can increase neurogenesis, creating new nerve cells in the brain, and stress decreases it — stressors like multitasking. 

P.P.S. Pass this on to your peeps, please.  Click the social icons on the right.  Thanks.

: )


Last Updated on: November 30th, 2011 at 7:15 am, by William

Written by William

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