Multitasking Crashes Your Brain

Posted On Nov 30 2011 by

Research confirms what you already know. Multitasking doesn’t work to save time and it makes you feel even more frantic.  It doesn’t make you more efficient.  You don’t get more done. And, just between us two, it stresses you out. Multitasking blocks your way to living a life you love, don’t you think?    Here’s the Research   The brain needs to attend to one task at a time. Surprisingly, when measuring neural activity with people doing two tasks at once, the neural activity decreased instead of what you might think. You might think your brain would be processing twice as …

Announcing 7 Essential Secrets for a Magical Life

Posted On Oct 19 2011 by

When I first met Otter, she hadn’t learned to play yet…  …Or if she had, she had forgotten she ever knew how. Otter felt rushed all the time, always trying to catch up. Always trying to perform better to please THEM. She felt anxious, sometimes helpless. Was she depressed? You tell me. In The Seven Essential Secrets for a Magical Life Program, you get to follow Otter as I help her successfully regain her life. Through seven concisely soulful videos and playful explorations, you will gain what I shared with Otter to help her live a life she loved wholeheartedly …