Free Stress Buster Tool – Guided Imagery

Posted On Apr 25 2019 by

I have a collection of stressors, maybe you do too?  Slowly but surely mine were killing me.  Literally.  I used to deprecate guided imagery as being too airy fairy for me.  Give me real Zen meditation or Taiji.  Now, I love guided imagery.  I’d love all my family and clients to do it.

As you may know, I have many self-care strategies, and have used them for decades.  I employ taiji, meditation, walking, exploring in nature, weight training with kettlebells, regular therapy, Zentangles and drawing.


I recommend all of those, but for me with the challenges and demands of my life currently, they weren’t enough to stay ahead of the damaging consequence of stress.

Awhile back I had several months of nasty health stuff.  I’m doing fine now thanks to some great care.  And a blood test marker was approaching the red line.  Both were clearly stress related perhaps even caused by stress.

My sweet doctor, Vicky Beer, recommended that I try guided imagery.  Her suggestion almost fell on deaf ears, but I made a deal with myself to listen to my care givers.  So, I committed to trying it.

She referred me to guided imagery done by a healer she knows — Belleruth Naparstek – and to Kaiser Permanente.  Whoda guessed?  They have provided free guided imageries that you or anyone can download onto your phone or other device so that you can listen as often as you want.  You can even do one whilst walking, but not driving.

Belleruth has the kind gentle voice of the Wise Woman that she surely is.  She soothes, heals, strengthens, and protects.  You and I can use as much of that as we can get.

Go for it =>

May you walk in beauty,


P.S. Do pass this post onto people you want to see whole and happy.

Last Updated on: April 25th, 2019 at 12:19 pm, by William

Written by William

One response to “Free Stress Buster Tool – Guided Imagery

  1. Thank you for the shoutout, William. Yes, Kaiser has generously offered over 20 of our guided imagery meditations for decades, long before most health care organizations ever heard of such an intervention.

    We continue to try to create or to find the best work in the field, that can help the most people in need. We’re proud of our collection of 220 first-rate, evidence-based audio titles, and we stand behind them with a wonderful staff that provides patient assistance and customer service.

    Thanks again for the acknowledgment.

    Belleruth Naparstek, ACSW

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