Finding Your Own North Star – a Review

Posted On Oct 7 2014 by

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310) Life, we learn too late, is in the living, in the tissue of every day and hour. – Stephen Leacock

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Finding Your Own North Star – a Review

Some books excite me. They resonate so deeply with me that I yearn to have each of my clients absorb them and enjoy a wonderfully fulfilling life.  Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live by Martha Beck fits the bill.

Even if you know where you want to go in your life, this book has wonderful tools to help you remove the blocks in your path so you can achieve your happy life.  If you don’t know your next step, Beck will show you how to find it using your own trustworthy compasses.

She makes me feel smart because I agree with everything she says.   I’ve told my clients the same things Beck says.  And she has tools that I find quite useful in working with my own blocks and distractions.

My favorite tools can help you get rid of the negative voices in your head or those  voices around you that drag you down and stop you in your tracks.  I find that those voices still hurt even after years of working with them.

She has you inventory those voices.

For instance, who told you that you couldn’t be wildly successful at your chosen career? Who told you that you could?  List their names.

One simple strategy that heals your wounds is to write down any positive thing anyone has said to you. Then read it every day.  And don’t listen to the distracting, discouraging, nay-saying voices.  Avoid those people and those voices.

Another: I’m physically beautiful, and I always will be.  Who told you that you weren’t, and who told you that you are.

Quit looking at magazines and ads that subtly tell you that you’re not beautiful. Do read books and magazine and blogs that do support you.

Get it?

Listen to Your Body

Obviously, I agree with Martha B. when she suggests that you listen to your body. Your body can be used as a reliable compass for heading towards your North Star.  I frequently employ this with clients.

My clients will say something like, “We had a great time on the hike.” I notice that their whole energy field and their presentation morphs into a happy radiance.  I point this out to them, that even thinking of the hike heals them.  They get it.

Then I give them the prescription – do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. Or perhaps more usefully, I ask a question:  How could you get more of that?

The opposite is true when they talk about being around someone who belittles them. Associate less with those people.

Lastly, Martha Beck has walked her talk. She openly shares times when she ignored her body and paid the price.

Despite the no nonsense nature of the material, she brings humor and ease to the topic. I like that she tells you when steps will be hard or painful.  She supports you with her complete confidence in your ability to handle your hero journey.

Going to college for the first time at age 31 as my daughter, Sasha, did is hard. The only thing harder would be to violate her compass and stay in the job that was killing her.

Likewise, leaving a practice with good income and adoring clients, leaving an underground solar home on 9000 acres that we built, and moving my family to an unknown place – Seattle — with no job and no clients, was hard. We did it and we’re happy we leapt off that cliff.

I trust in you and your ability, too. You can live a life you love wholeheartedly – body and soul.

Get the book: Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live.

Walk in beauty,


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Last Updated on: October 7th, 2014 at 9:26 am, by William

Written by William

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