Book Giveaway – Summer Fun

Posted On Jul 29 2015 by

Book Giveaway – Summer Fun

Sketching,_Poetry,_a_Cover_for_Kindle by William Wittmann Seattle Life Coach

Starting Saturday, August 1st, 2015 at 12:01 AM Pacific time and ending midnight on Sunday August 2nd I’ll be giving you the free Kindle version of Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life.  


Why, because summer is a great time to start sketching?

Why? Because you like to get outdoors, and sketching connects you to Nature and the Sacred in magical ways, sketching provides a wonderful channel to happiness.

Enjoy this excerpt from the book –

How Does Sketching and Writing Poetry Help You?

You could live a life you love.

Sketching or painting life as it unfolds in front of you, in this present moment, has the power to connect you to your right brain, your Buddha brain. In your right brain, your chattering, judgmental mind quiets. Shoulds and oughts disappear.

As you draw, you connect to the Sacred Present Moment. Your consciousness shifts. You can think of this quiet-mind, this “peace which transcends all understanding” mind, as enlightenment. This peace is how you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

In your right brain, all is right with the world. All the time.

When you add poems to the sketching, you connect you right brain, non-verbal holistic awareness to your left brain linear language. You deepen your experience and you ground it in daily life.

When you sketch and write poems, you’ll feel more at home with your life. You connect to the Sacred. You make your life more holy, and you enjoy a more pleasurable life.

Can you see how this creativity boost will show up everywhere in your life? You will feel more alive and this will enhance all areas of your life.

  • The practice trains you to be in the present moment more often and ever more easily.
  • You savor your precious time and your life.  You will simply enjoy your life more.
  • Your performance and pleasure at work will improve.  (Caution: you may decide to change your vocation or get a new job.)
  • Your appreciation of your loved ones will expand and your relationships will bloom.  You will be amazed at how transformative this can be.  Very cool.
  • Your awareness of your body will become more clear, which will lead to improved health.  This is worth the price of admission alone.
  • Certainly, any religious or spiritual practices you have will become more meaningful.

Finally, you may have some lovely artwork that you would love to display, to act as a reminder to you to attend to the Sacred Present Moment. It doesn’t matter if anyone else likes it. It’s powerful, even when, or especially when, you hang them on the refrigerator.

Go for it => Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life.

May you sketch in beauty,


P.S. Consider letting your friends know about this offer, post to your social sites.

P.P.S. Let me know what you think of the book and free book giveaways in general.

P.P.P.S. If you get the book, please consider reviewing it.

Last Updated on: July 29th, 2015 at 2:54 am, by William

Written by William