Celebrate Women – The World Cup and the Spotlight on Women

Posted On Jul 12 2019 by

One billion viewers watched the World Cup.  One billion.  Can we still discount woman? Turns out we can. The article, So the President F*cking Hates My Girlfriend by Sue Bird, inspires me and warms my heart. After saying she would never write again… She starts her article with – I remember telling my editor here something like, “It would take the President of the United States going on a hate-filled Twitter spree trolling my girlfriend while she was putting American soccer, women’s sports, equal pay, gay pride and TRUE LOVE on her back, all at once, scoring two majestic goals …

Walking Prayers — Art and Poetry Celebrates Women

Posted On Oct 17 2016 by

AMEN and Hallelujah for strong women. I’ve been wondering if I should or how I should respond to Mr. trump and all the men who have turned a blind eye or ear to his behavior for decades. This is it. A beloved and wise client sent me this. Be Happy, Wild, & Free, Dear One. I Love You William P.S. In this election cycle it would be obviously useful to pass this on.  

Strong Women and the Sacred Ordinary

Posted On Jun 18 2014 by

Today’s Oracle My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 292) We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. – Teilhard de Chardin You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help.  Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down.  Get the Wizard’s Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun with oracles.    Strong Women and the Sacred Ordinary Rarely, do I want to watch a film again right after I have seen it.  I have two for …