Playful Tool for Mindful Reflection

Posted On May 10 2017 by

What would Pirate Girl say? Listening to the wild person inside of you can be a great place to make sense of your life.  You can play with writing an exactly-50-word story as a way to bring the words to your experiences. When you engage your playful side, you find the deeper wisdom that hides from your serious mind – the one you learned for school. To help open yourself, you can choose a pen name, or a Nom de Mischief, to write under, so you can be free of the judgment of others, even if they only live in …

Judge this Book Cover, Please

Posted On Feb 16 2016 by

Don’t judge a book by its cover?  We do judge books by their covers all the time.  Please, help me pick a good one. But first – Color the Sky Yellow: Creative Magic, Playful Art for Your Inner Child will be my forth book on art.  This one focuses on having fun. Here’s Why When you make art, you engage a superb form of mindfulness meditation, which returns you to the Sacred present moment.  You reap the same benefits of any enlightened meditation practice.  – Willendorf. Living a life you love wholeheartedly means living creatively.    No-one can give you this …