Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Posted On Jan 7 2015 by

Stay Healthy During Flu Season

You can stay healthy during flu season.  Just attend to a few simple ideas.  Really.

“Blaming disease on germs is like blaming stagnant water on stay healthy during flu seasonmosquitoes.”

This simple notion forms the basis of staying well.  The prescription?  Don’t get stagnant.  Get your juices moving.

Get Your Juices Moving

This can be quite literal.  Where are your juices?  You recall the counterintuitive notion that your body is mostly made up of water.  The water resides in three places –

  • You cells
  • Your blood
  • And the little known  lymphatic vessels and the interstitial fluid.  Interstitial fluid makes up the juices that surrounds each of you cells.  When it gets picked up by the lymph vessels, it’s called lymph.  Eventually, the lymph flows back into the blood stream just before the subclavian veins (under your collar bones) pour into your heart.

Remedy: drink fluids, mostly water.  Good hydration makes for good flow.  Poor hydration leads to stagnation.

You can also move your body.  When you move your body, you stimulate your blood and lymphatic flow.

What’s lymphatic flow?  It’s the movement of lymph through your lymphatic system.  Of course.  You know those swollen nodes your doctor looks for when you get sick?  Those are lymph nodes.  Nodes are places where the body collects bugs to be eaten by white blood cells and lymphocytes.

This is cool.  The word lymph is derived from the name of the Roman deity of fresh water, Lympha.

Note well: Your heart doesn’t pump the blood back to the heart, just out.  And the heart has nothing to do with the lymph.  Nothing pumps it.  Well, you pump it each time you move.

Remedy: Move.  Don’t sit for too long.  Get up and walk around.  Then sit again if you need to.

stay healthy during flu seasonGet my book Get Well, Be Well, Stay Well: How to Prevent and Treat Colds and Flu NaturallyIt shows you ways to supercharge your immune system so you have a better chance of staying healthy, or if you get sick, healing faster with less impact.

Go for it => Get Well, Be Well, Stay Well

Walk in beauty and in health,


P.S. My two art books will help you to be happy and well rested in your right brain.  The right brain is associated with the rest and restore part of your nervous system as opposed to the fight- flight part.

Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey   Paper Back Version       Kindle version

Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life   Paper Back Version    Kindle version


Last Updated on: January 7th, 2015 at 3:04 am, by William

Written by William