Wordlessness & Oneness – Heaven

Posted On Mar 11 2015 by

Today’s Oracle

My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today:

411) The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not our circumstances. – Martha Washington  

You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help.  Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down.

Get the Wizard’s Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun with oracles.


Wordless Oneness – Heaven

“Can it be that simple?”

“Simpler…” she said, “it’s your native state after all.  You were born to spend most of your time in wordlessness and oneness.  It’s only these modern first world folks that spend most of their time in their heads, fretting and worrying and obsessing.”

“But what about MY crazy mind?  Will that really go away?  It seems like I fret all the time.”

“Yep.  Fretting won’t go away completely, at least at first.  But you will spend much more time in wordlessness, feeling connected to oneness and you’ll enjoy peaceful calm serenity. You’ll feel safe and well cared for…”

“I am happy to hear that.  It gives me hope.”

Since my last sabbatical, I have been recommending Martha Beck’s inspiring and practical book — Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want to many of my clients.

I even got the audio version for my daughters and my wife to listen to in hopes they too would find it valuable.

Generally, I avoid giving advice or even suggestions to my daughters.  I made an exception for Finding Your Way in a Wild New World.

Some who have read it after my recommendation report tearing up as they read.  Tears of relief.  Tears of feeling recognized. Tears of homecoming.


You want to live in wordlessness.  In wordlessness, your chattering fearful thoughts will just disappear.  Poof…

In wordlessness, you’ll feel peaceful, centered, and grounded.  Fear doesn’t exist for the most part without a story.  With fear, you imagine a scary story about the future.  Tune into the evening news, any evening, for examples of scary stories.

Wordlessness means no words in your head.  No words means no story.  Simple as that.

Martha B. provides multiple ways you can use to achieve wordlessness.  You may be wordlessness suzanne-communing-with-nature-by-sasha-wittmann-250pxfamiliar with Owl Eyes and Owl ears that I’ve talked about in my books and in private sessions.  She includes the method without my charming story.

I’ve been playing with her favorite method for achieving wordlessness.

It’s simple.  You feel and attend to your heartbeat and your pulse from the inside in your hands, feet, scalp.  Granted, this is taking me some practice.  It’s easy to do lying down before sleep or sitting in meditation, but walking around?  Not so easy.

It helps if you take a good breath or two to relax a bit.  Then on your next exhale, pause before inhaling.  The pause makes it easier to feel the pulses.  Repeat as needed.  You will find that you drop into peaceful wordlessness.  The chatter stops.

As a side benefit, you connect deeply to your body.  Besides being fascinating, it feels surprisingly pleasurable.


Oneness means you feel connected to all living things, and knowing that everything is alive.  We humans suffer from the delusion that we’re separate and therefore alone and beholden to nothing. Connecting to Oneness ends your suffering.  Simple as that.

Step one: become wordless.  Then connect to some living thing.  When you look through the eyes of an artist or the eyes of a child, it is easy to remember everything is alive.

When you use your Buddha brain, your right brain, you are at one.  Instantly.  Simple as that.

Martha B. reveals many other cool ways to connect to oneness.  She suggests you use  a sit spot, or as I called it my secret spot. The secret spot was my favorite practice when I trained as a tracker.  Here’s what you do –

Go to some place in nature as wild as you can find, preferably close by so that you want to return often or daily.  Your back yard or a city park will work well.  Then sit still and go wordless.  Stay wordless for 20 minutes to an hour.

Birds and mammals run from the chattering mental noise in our heads.  They find people to be noisy, crazy, and dangerous.  As you sit in wordlessness, you start to fall in love with everything around you.  Clearly, love is a most important and enjoyable form of connection.

Naturally, the birds and mammals start to treat you as one of them, because that’s what you  have become.

Connecting with Nature this way is one of the sweetest loves I know.  It’s like meeting and recognizing someone as an old friend even if you have never seen them before.  You know that feeling.  Right?

You don’t even have to leave your room.

Just sit at the table and wait.

Don’t even wait, be quiet, be still, be solitary,

And the world will reveal itself to you to be unmasked.

It has no choice,

It will roll at your feet in ecstasy.

Franz Kafka

Wordless oneness moves you from hyper focused state of fight-flight, the state of stress, to a state of rest and restoration.  We’re meant to live in rest and restoration at least 99% of the time.  I want this for you.

Technologies of Magic

Beck talks about the technologies of magic – inviting things that you want to happen in the real world, to manifest.  Wordless oneness forms the foundation.  The rest of the technologies build from that foundation using Imagination and Forming.  These two allow you to earn a living doing what you love, doing what you and you alone were born to do.  And make a good living, playing.

Naturally, I want that for my daughters and for you.

Here’s my favorite quote from the book:

Rest until you feel like playing, then play until you feel like resting.  Never do anything else.

Get the book => Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want

Learn to be happy, playful, healed, and rested.

Walk in beauty,


P.S. My two drawing books give you lots of methods for connecting to your right brain and experiencing wordless oneness.

Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life Paper Back Version  Kindle version

Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey   Paper Back Version       Kindle version


Last Updated on: March 11th, 2015 at 3:02 am, by William

Written by William