Roswell Shame Cure

Posted On Jan 13 2011 by

I’ve been researching shame and its toxic effects on one’s life again.  In particular, I’m examining shame and its relationship to fear for the ever expanding Kill the Worrywart Program.

Quick Overview of Shame

 You need healthy connections.  You die without them.

 Shame is the certain belief that there is something wrong with you.  And that if people knew, they would disconnect from you.  You’re not good enough to be loved.

 Shame is universal.  Everyone has some.

 Same underlies all your really damaging fears.

Now for the Roswell Shame Cure

 Roswell is a small, wiry, black and white dog.  She has large pointy ears and a docked tail, soulful eyes, and a sweet heart.  Andrea, my beloved kettlebell coach, brings her to the Kettlebility studio.  And Andrea who grew up in New Mexico named Roswell after the town famous for space aliens.

 I got to my session with Andrea 25 minutes early.  Instead of reading, I just sat in meditation.  Even with the peppy music, it’s a peaceful place for me. 

 Within a minute, Roswell came over to me.  Then without bending her legs sprang up into my lap, she has only fast twitch muscles, where I caught her and helped accommodate her on the uneven terrain of my lap.  We settled in.

 To the wounded and shamed, this kind of unconditional connection and love is quite the opposite of not being enough.  Roswell demonstrated in the clearest way, that my little one, my wounded inner child, was enough.

 Lest you think, she’s just a dog and all dogs are sluts.  My deepest wounds nudge me to conclude that Roswell wasn’t truly accepting ME.  I was just sitting still and she needed to warm up.  She has no body fat.

 Andrea came over later and remarked that Roswell selects people.  She does like most folks.  Roswell is warm hearted.  But she does bark at some folks who appear OK to Andrea.  Andrea even included another client who concurred with our Roswell conversation.

 So, my child has to let in the notion, the dangerous notion that he’s enough.


How Can You Use This?

 You will have many times through your day and week where the world will reflect back to you that indeed you are enough.


 Let that in.  Talk with your inner child and say, “Did you notice that Roswell likes you and thinks you’re enough.” And the like.

 Walk in beauty,


 P.S. Dragon Door has come out with a hit DVD — The Kettlebell Boomer How to Defy Aging and Be a Human Dynamo Throughout Your Senior Years—Thanks to Kettlebells.

 You can even see my mentor from 28 years ago, Richard Hruby, DO talking about the medical benefits of Kettlebells.

 I recommend watching at least his four minute video.

 Go for it =>

Last Updated on: January 13th, 2011 at 8:30 am, by William

Written by William

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