Review My New Book

Posted On Feb 14 2016 by

I Want Your Help.  Please Review My New Book

I’ve just published my newest book on Amazon – Color the Sky Yellow: Creative Magic, Playful Art for Your Inner Child.  I think you’ll like it.

color the sky yellow by william wittmann life coach seattle

Like most of my other books, this one helps people become enlightened.  Naturally, I want to live in a world where people are enlightened vs. a world dominated by fear and fear mongers.

I want you to feel more enlightened and happier in your daily life. This book can help.

To get Color the Sky Yellow into the most hands, I need Amazon reviews.  The more reviews I have, the more notice the book will have.  Amazon likes to showcase books with 4 and 5 star reviews, the more the better.

If you like the book, will you give Color the Sky Yellow a 4 or 5 star review?  The book is short, so it will be easy for you.

You can buy the book on Amazon for 99 cents now.  Or you can wait until next Saturday the 2oth when it will be free on Amazon.

Questions?  Let me know.

Thanks for considering writing a review,



P.S. Reviews only need to be 20 words.  If you include the full title in the review, it means you don’t need to write very much.  It’s easy.

: )

Last Updated on: February 14th, 2016 at 12:32 pm, by William

Written by William