Drawing Cures Worry

Posted On Jul 30 2015 by

Today’s Oracle

My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today:

182) Everybody asks me what I’m think about when I’m dropping in.  You don’t hear anything.  You don’t think anything.  It just naturally happens. – Shaun White, Olympic Gold Medal Snowboarder

You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help.  Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down.

Get the Wizard’s Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun with oracles.

Drawing Cures Worry

I am a recovering worrywart.   Currently, I worry about my daughter, Zoe, who’s selling her home.  Worry is normal.  But still it drains the spirit and disturbs the sleep and it doesn’t serve my children.  At All.

So, quit it.  Of course.  But how?Glacier Lily by William Wittmann Life coach

I have found that taking a walk in beauty, then sketching something I enjoy, cures my worry.


When we worry, you make up a scary story.

For Zoe’s house sale, I make up the story that no-one will want to buy her house and she won’t be able to move to Kona, Hawaii to join her husband.  I have other vague fears, too, that all lead to unhappiness and despair.

Notice that you and I make up the story.  It’s not true.  It’s just a scary story.  Maybe not even a possibility.  Certainly, at best, the story has a low probability of happening.  Can you see that?

How Does Drawing Help?

First, drawing requires that I drop into my right brain which means words fall away and I drop into wordlessness.  Wordlessness clearly frees me from my stories of the doom that my fear and worry concoct regarding the perils in the world that will harm my children.

With enough time in wordlessness, connecting to nature, Oneness opens all around me.  I’m connected to the immediate environment certainly, but it’s more.  By being fully present, I’m connected to it all.

Naturally, when you’re connected to it all, all’s right with the world.

In this moment, you will find that everything is OK.  More than OK.  Your kids are fine.  You’re fine.

Try Drawing When You Want to Be Free of Scary Stories

Try drawing for yourself.

You need something to draw with and something to draw on – paper, pencils, ink, paint, electrons.   You can find apps for drawing on your phone or you tablet.  It’s super convenient for most.

Basically, sit or stand in front of something that pleases you and make marks on the paper or screen.  Imagine running your hands over your subject.  Pass that movement onto the paper.  Draw outlines of things.  Follow contours that please you.  Explore shapes that you enjoy.

Add color.  You can be realistic or you can paint the sky yellow if the sky feels that way to you.

Remember it’s the process, not the product that does the work of bringing you into wordlessness.  Have fun.  Ignore the drawing, attend to the present moment.  Pay attention to what’s right in front of you in this moment.  Include the symphony of now that you can hear all around you – birds, trucks, planes, leaves crunching.

Learning to achieve wordlessness with drawing is a process too.  Easy sure, but a process.   Take your time and be kind to yourself.

Both of my books have good tips you can apply instantly and get results.

Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey   Paper Back Version       Kindle version

Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life   Paper Back Version    Kindle version

 You can easily find other resources to help you learn to draw or sketch e.g. libraries, Amazon, youtube, search my blog.

You can find tips here and find lots more of my images here and here.

hamilton overlook

You might enjoy this wonderful article by Martha Beck — Not to Worry: 10 Things to Stop Worrying About 

Walk in beauty,


P.S. Eating lunch with a friend, talking about my book, Drawing the Sacred, she whipped out her iPad, discovered my Kindle version was free and ordered right there and then.  If you have Amazon Prime or if you have Kindle Unlimited, it will be free for you too.

Go for it =>

Drawing the Sacred: Communing with the Sacred through Drawing – An Illustrated Journey   Paper Back Version       Kindle version

Sketching, Poetry, and the Sacred Present Moment: A Magically Potent Way To Savor Your Life   Paper Back Version    Kindle version

P.P.S. As of this writing, Zoe has just sold her house to a lovely family.

Last Updated on: July 30th, 2015 at 3:24 am, by William

Written by William